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Die, Old Man, Die!

Two worlds that cannot peacefully abide. One past. One future.
One present to change it all.
Old man, in my ear. Whisper your lies again to me.
Deceive me when I want to be.
I hear the reality that you try to present, but I should not,
Can not, will not believe you anymore.
Kill the old man, the lust of the world. Make him pay the price
He wanted to charge.
But the truth is, we are human. We love temptation. We linger,
Lulling ourselves to a pseudo-sleep.
Wake up! Be roused! Know you not of the war? Ready your weapons!
On to the fray!
No time for espionage--that is no longer an excuse. Choose
Your side and fight to the death.
You've sat in the lap of luxury too long. You forgot the demons
that lurk outside your home--
Waiting for an entry, waiting for a weak point. And you?
You've left your keys in the door--
Your Bible's on the table. Door wide open now. Your knees still
Don't bend to the floor.
Access granted. Possession gained. And don't think that just because
You're not foaming at the mouth--
It's not true. It is. Waste away your moments. Waste away your life.
Death is still the final price.
It's war, child! It's WAR! Are you still sleeping in bed?
Awake now, swear your allegiance and fight!
The old man is still lurking in the shadows of your mind.
Find him.
Kill him.
Die, old man, die!


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