Offhand quotes to ponder:
"Why plan for the worst case scenario when you can just prevent it?"
"Women like candles because they allow them to express their pyrotechnic tendencies in demure ways."
"People don't lie because they want to protect you; they lie because they are afraid of what you would think if you knew the truth."
"Questioning is not always a sign of doubt. Sometimes it is a sign that someone just wants to know more clearly."
A few weeks ago, while in a casual conversation, I said something to a friend of mine. He quickly said, "Would you say that again?" I repeated it, and he commented that I should save my random utterances, implying that I speak truth with a tone of humor. What followed was the idea that came into the fruition of what you now read.
You may wonder, what exactly does the blog title mean?
Offhand - casual, but not necessarily unthoughtful
Utterances - words said
Zealot - a person who shows zeal
I am a zealous person. I'm passionate about everything; even in apathy, I show passion. What you will read is the preservation of the casual thoughts and words of someone who is a passionate believer of what is said.